We will start these first several C# post’s by following along with the Microsoft Learn Certification for C#, hosted by FreeCodeCamp.com. Though, I will add my own information from other sources throughout.
- C# is a case-sensitive language.
- This means that the C# compiler is consider’s “console.WriteLine();” to be different from “Console.WriteLine();”.
- Comments in C# are created by adding two forward slashes “//“.
- The following is an example of commented code, which the IDE will not compile:
// Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
- Console.WriteLine(); prints the output on the existing line and appends a new line after it.
- Console.Write(); prints the output on the current line.
Console.Write("You wrote your first lines of code.");
Console.Write(" I am so proud of you!!");
Whereas . . .
Console.WriteLine("You wrote your first lines of code.");
Console.Write("I am so proud of you!");
- In the above code, “Console.WriteLine”, the “Console” portion is considered a class.
- Methods live inside of Classes. To utilize the method, you must know which Class the method resides within.
- The method in “Console.WriteLine” is “WriteLine”, and it comes after the “.”
- The class “Console” comes before the “.”
- The method in “Console.WriteLine” is “WriteLine”, and it comes after the “.”
- This separating “.” is considered a member access operator.
- This member access operator is how you “navigate” from the class to the methods inside.
- Methods live inside of Classes. To utilize the method, you must know which Class the method resides within.
- Methods in C#, has a set of parentheses after it.
- “Console.Write();”
- Some method’s need input parameters, while other’s do not.
- The input parameters go inside the parenthesis.
- Some method’s need input parameters, while other’s do not.
- The parenthesis themselves are considered method invocation operators.
- The semicolon is the end of statement operator. The semicolon tells the compiler that you’ve finished entering the command.
- A statement is a complete instruction in C#.
- “Console.Write();”
- (1) A statement is a complete instruction in C#.
- (2) C# is a case-sensitive language, so capitalization matters.
- (3) Classes come before methods, methods come after the period, which is a member access operator.
Write code that would produce this output:
Console.WriteLine("This is the first line.");
Console.WriteLine("This is the second line.");
Console.Write("Jesus loves us.");
Console.WriteLine("This is the first line.");
Console.Write("This is ");
Console.Write("the second ");
Console.Write("Jesus loves us.");
***In reality, there are more ways to achieve the stated Output. These are just two of the possible ways. Each way likely has it's own pro's & con's.
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